1. Think of a situation that requires math in your life. It could be making change, figuring our a percentage, adding fractions or decimals in cooking or building, figuring the interest on a loan, or deciding how much gas your gas uses (consumes).
2. Set up the information you need to solve the problem. For example: the total amount and the percentage you want to find in dollars; the amount of the loan, the interest rate, and the number of years you have to pay the loan; or the distance your traveled and the amount of gas you used.
3. Ask the question that you need answered. For example: How much will I save if I buy the shirt at 15% off? How much interest will I pay for each year I have the loan? How much mileage did my car get on the trip?
4. When you have that information, click on the "Comments" link at the bottom of this post (message), and write your problem so that others can solve it.
5. Find a problem that someone else has posted, and solve it for them!
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